Remember the guy who belittled residents at village meetings with condescending remarks and outright support for building a Ski Hill the community clearly did not want? That was Mayor Kraly, elected mayor in 2021, running unopposed, by just 400 votes in a town of 18,000. He wants to keep his job. In September 2022, the board voted against the Ski Hill project, except for 2 board members (Charlie Foy and Paul Law) who are no longer on the board. At that meeting, I asked the board “is this the hill you are willing to die on” in an attempt to make them think about their political future should they vote to pass an item the community clearly stood against. Please plan to make your voice heard on Election Day this April.
Attended today’s event - would encourage other RL residents to attend their future events as well.
Here is why I went:
-An opportunity meet the candidates that I wasn’t familiar with
-An opportunity to hear candidates concerns regarding our Village
-An opportunity to voice my concerns & ask questions (yes I had my list in my notebook)
Here is what I left with:
-A sense of being heard. I asked my questions voiced my concerns and I feel that these gentlemen were genuine in their responses.
-A better understanding of their ideas for the future of the Village. Very well laid out presentation that addressed all areas of being a resident from the water bill issues to community development plans to ideas for fun local activities
-A sense that all of these gentlemen will bring good leadership and have ongoing engagement with the community.
I have been a resident for 31 years have seen several mayors & boards come and go (some not fast enough) over the years. I have been frustrated at times at lack of response from mayor/trustees as I feel that residents should at least be listened to and not pushed off to “staff”.
I believe that this group WILL listen and WILL respond which will be refreshing. I am not implying that all will go my way but that at least I will be acknowledged. This is how a community board should function.
I left with a feeling that I had met 5 gentlemen who truly care about our community (and door hangers for my neighborhood right Howard?)
Local elections are some of the most important elections as they directly impact our daily lives. Please take the time, if able, to attend meet & greets for ALL candidates whether it is your Village - Township - County etc. it will give you valuable information to make an informed decision.
Great to meet you all today. We were impressed with your passion and dedication to making Round Lake a better place for all of us!
Round Lake residents,
Vote for this guy.
This guy is INVOLVED and PROUD of this community.
Not sure or want to learn more?
Check out Round Lake Forward, go to one of their “meet and greets”, ask the questions and I’m sure you’ll get answers.
Have a wonderful Monday
My family and I have had the pleasure of knowing Brian personally as well as working along side of him on the board for the Round Lake Spartans many moons ago. His heart has been dedicated to our community and I couldn’t think of a better person to run this town so please for vote for Brian!
Vote for Brian Brubaker!!!
paid for by Round Lake Forward
A copy of our report filed with the State Board of Elections is (or will be) available on the Board’s official website ( or for purchase from the State Board of Elections, Springfield, Illinois